Arrogance – Psalm 36:1
Transgression speaks to the ungodly within his heart; there is no fear of God before his eyes.
Belshazzar knew the penalty his predecessor, Nebuchadnezzar, paid for his arrogance and pride.[1]Â Yet he scoffed at the living God, blatantly defying Him by drinking, along with his guests, from the sacred vessels taken from the temple in Jerusalem and by praising the gods of gold, silver, bronze, iron, wood, and stone.[2]Â His inflated ego and lack of reverence for the Most High God cost him his life that very night.[3]
Sadly, those intoxicated by a deluded sense of who they are, those daring to arrogantly trounce on the truth, follow the path of Belshazzar. Having refused to bow before the Lord, these ill-fated people allow the ruler of darkness to pierce their noses by lies and lead them into spiritual destruction.
Exceedingly better is the fate of those who, recognizing the awesome power of our Creator and their total dependency on Him, heed the Holy Scripture’s admonishment to give all honor to God, for He, and He alone is praiseworthy.[4] How much more delightful is the peace and joy of those who dedicate their lives to pleasing and glorifying God, humbling themselves in His sight.[5]
Do not be seduced by the flattery of others, the enemy, or your own conceit into seeking the world’s approval rather than seeking the approval of God.[6] Do not give the slightest encouragement to the lust for glory,[7] for the devil lurks about waiting to enslave those he can beguile into thinking they are something they are not.[8] He knows our own arrogance will deceive us should we shift our eyes from the true Glory to ourselves.[9] Therefore, rather than giving up the tiniest portion of the joy you have as a child of God, praise Him with a dedicated heart.
Bring your daily offering of praise before the Lord who reigns in majesty, and He will reveal Himself to you. Dedicate yourself to loving, honoring, and obeying Him, for as you seek Him from a pure and righteous desire to know and glorify Him, you will grow in the understanding of what is real, true, valuable, and worthy, leaving arrogance no place in your thinking.
With eyes enlightened by the truth, a heart emboldened by His glory, and a soul warmed by His light, bow in awe and sing for joy before the Lord your God, for He indeed is worthy of our praise.[10]
[1] Daniel 5:20-22
[2] Daniel 5:1-6
[3] Daniel 5:30
[4] Psalm 99:1-3
[5] Daniel 10:12
[6] John 12:42-43
[7] Ephesians 4:27
[8] 1 Peter 5:8
[9] Jeremiah 17:9
[10] Psalm 29:1-2