Bearing Fruit – John 12:24
Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.
God wants to use His children to do great things for His kingdom. He wants us to perform the good and profitable works for which He created us in Christ Jesus, and He wants us to accomplish the excellent things, which He has prepared for those who love Him.[1] Therefore, in His kindness, He equips us to accomplish His plan and to bear fruit in keeping with our repentance and commitment to Christ.[2] He calls us by His will, so that we might be holy and blameless before Him, that we might live and serve in a manner worthy of those to whom He has given an abundance of grace.[3]
We know that God, having provided everything we need, wants to use us to bear life-giving fruit. Are we usable? Will we answer His call, denying ourselves, picking up our cross to follow Jesus?[4] Are we willing to lose our lives for Christ’s sake that we might gain abundant life in Him?[5] Will we discard our vanity and shake off the grip of worldly pleasures? Will we die to self and shed our encumbrance to sin, so that Christ may live in us? Do our souls pant to know, love and serve God as the deer pants for water?[6]
Such things we must do if we desire to be useful in the royal service of our Lord, for unless our love for Christ constrains us to bow down before Him, to forfeit our lives for His cause as He forfeited His for ours,[7] we cannot expect to bear fruit for His kingdom. God requires surrendered hearts and empty hands that He might purify His workers, fill them with His love, and prepare them for the labor to which He has called them.[8]
Do you desire to perform valuable service for the King of kings? Praise God! For His Holy Spirit dwells within those whose hearts are set on serving Jesus. The Lord will water and nurture the grain of love within you, and He will give you power over sin, making you worthy and able to sow and reap an eternal harvest.
Fall on your knees before your Lord, and bury yourself within the rich soil of His love. Dig up and burn the dead and worthless growth that keeps new life from flourishing. Rejoice as the beautiful new creation you are in Christ blossoms, you will bear much fruit.[9]
[1] Ephesians 2:10
[2] Matthew 3:8
[3] Ephesians 1:1, 4, Ephesians 4:1
[4] Matthew 16:24
[5] Matthew 16:25
[6] Psalm 42:1
[7] 1 John 3:16
[8] Psalm 144:1
[9] Galatians 6:15