Boasting – Isaiah 10:15
Is the axe to boast itself over the one who chops with it? Is the saw to exalt itself over the one who wields it? That would be like a club wielding those who lift it, or like a rod lifting him who is not wood.
“Let him who boasts, boast in the Lord,”[1] not in himself, not the wise in wisdom, the rich in riches, nor the mighty in power, for all that is good and desirable comes down from the Father in heaven.[2] Therefore, what does anyone have to boast about other than in knowing and understanding the Lord?[3]
Boasting in our talent, wisdom, strength, or wealth is not only sinful but also delusional. Do we actually believe we deserve the credit and praise for anything we have accomplished? The famous vocalist with perfect pitch did not create the voice that brings fame. Yet, what of training, vocal exercises, and sacrifices to achieve excellence? Did not the Lord create the teachers and the music and did He not provide the strength, stamina, and perseverance? What of the skill and endurance, which brings Olympians to victory? Who created their legs, the course, the trainers, and the competition?
Boasting is as absurd as a flower being impressed with itself. One does not say to a flower, “You should be proud of your beauty,” but rather the beauty of the flower sings praises to the glory of the living God who created it.[4]
Remove boasting about yourself and others from your repertoire, and fill the vacancy with praise for the Lord. Replace the fickle and shallow pleasure derived from the imposter’s puny offerings with the soul-sustaining joy that comes from thanking God for the blessings He continuously pours upon you. Let praise for Him be always on your lips.[5] Rejoice in the works of His hands and the ministrations of His heart, which are evident all around you. Speak of His wonders, giving Him glory for all the wonderful things He has done.[6]
Bring your offerings of praise before the Lord Jesus
Christ. Make your boasting in the Lord;
magnifying Him, exalting His holy name above all others.[7] Use the gifts,
talents, and strength the Lord has given you and marvel at the magnificent
works He will perform through your hands, your lips, and your intellect, but do
not neglect to give the glory to the source of all that is good and valuable. Remember always from whence your gifts come,
and as you humble yourself in reverence and fear before Him, the Lord will
reward you with treasures, honor, and life.[8]
[1] 1 Corinthians 1:31
[2] James 1:17
[3] Jeremiah 9:23-24
[4] Leah’s Prayer – see the devotion Buried Talents
[5] Psalm 34:1
[6] 1 Chronicles 16:9-10, 12
[7] Psalm 34:2-3
[8] Proverbs 22:4