Freedom,  Grace,  Trust

Brokenhearted – Psalm 34:18

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Troubles may press in upon us, our hearts may break, and our dreams may implode, but in the Lord, we will find strength to endure, for He is always with us, helping us, upholding our cause.[1]  He is our hiding place and stronghold, our shelter and consolation.[2]  He surrounds us with His kindness,[3] and He remains firm in His love, unchanging in His devotion, and unfailing in His faithfulness to us.[4]  In His affectionate welcome, we find assurance that we have wisely entrusted our broken hearts to Him. 

When we call upon the Father in our affliction, He comforts us, soothing our wounds with the healing balm of His mercy.[5]  As our steadfast companion, He does not neglect us in our time of sadness; rather He remains close to us, constantly attending to us with His kind ministrations, for He, who keeps watch over us, neither slumbers nor sleeps.[6]  As He lovingly binds our wounds,[7] He restores our hope, turning our sorrow into gladness and our mourning into joy.[8]

Our Father receives us as His beloved children when we run to Him.  He opens His arms, drawing us close, enwrapping us in His embrace, loving, preserving, and restoring us.  As we sit listening to Him, He teaches us about Himself and His kingdom, about the glory that awaits us.  He helps us differentiate truth from lies and rise above the allure of the world, which attempts to enflame our physical desires, feed our greed, and stroke our pride.[9]  He inspires us to grow strong in our faith[10] and to live in the freedom that Jesus died to gain for us.  He gives us spiritual eyes that we might trust Him with our pain, discern the leading of the Holy Spirit, and understand the infinitely higher value of the eternal over the temporal.[11]

Raise your eyes above the problems before you.  Trust your loving Father, and you will find the source of all healing.  Believe that He is willing and able to help you, and rest in Him as He lifts you out of the pit of sorrow and sets your feet upon high ground.[12]  Allow His love to wash over you, dispelling your sadness.  Give Him your broken heart, and He will give you joy in the good news that He, the lover of your soul, is ever faithful to care for you.[13]

[1] Hebrews 1:3

[2] Psalm 32:7

[3] Psalm 32:10

[4] Psalm 136:1

[5] 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

[6] Psalm 121:4-8

[7] Psalm 147:3

[8] Esther 9:22, Jeremiah 31:13

[9] 1 John 2:16

[10] 1 Corinthians 16:13

[11] 1 Corinthians 2:14-16

[12] Psalm 18:2

[13] Isaiah 40:11