Encouragement,  Grace,  Kindness,  Love

Build Up – Romans 15:2

Each of us is to please his neighbor for his good, to his edification.

Build up or tear down; such is within our power.  Therefore, we should never underestimate the influence we have over one another to bring exuberant joy or deep sorrow. 

God created us as a people with sensitive hearts and fragile spirits; therefore, we will have opportunities to bring extraordinary good through encouragement and love, or devastation and hate through condemnation or indifference.  This I know because I have delivered and received both, and I have witnessed firsthand the miraculous fruit loving-kindness and tenderheartedness can produce and the crippling pain insensitivity and cruelty can inflict.

Since we cannot foresee the impact we may have on another, we do well to tread lightly, choosing gracious words, displaying consideration through what we say along with the actions that accompany our words.  Knowing that words can literally bring life or death,[1] we should pause before striking out without concern for the one upon whom our words fall.  For how much more praiseworthy are encouragement and building up than repudiation and tearing down.[2]  How much closer do we conform to the image of our Lord when we use our tongues to bless, and not curse, to bring joy, not sorrow, to help, not harm.[3]

Ascend the holy mountain and stand with our Lord, reaching for the high ground by demonstrating His love in all of your comings and goings.  Instead of allowing minutia to distract you, make growing closer to the Lord your passion and make everlasting things your focus.  Rather than leaving a wake of anger or injury, bring a lovely fragrance of peace as you bless your family, friends, neighbors, and passersby,[4] making their edification your desire and joy.[5]

Delight in sharing pleasant, uplifting words, words that are sweet to the soul and nourishing to the body, words that bring peace.[6]  Rejoice in the opportunities the Lord gives you to minister to those around you.[7]  Use kindness freely.  Encourage and build up others in love, considering ways to provoke them to greater victory in Christ,[8] and you will sow seeds of life into the fertile fields the Lord has laid out before you.

[1] Proverbs 18:21

[2] 1 Thessalonians 5:11

[3] Ephesians 4: 29, Proverbs 3:27

[4] Proverbs 15:1

[5] Romans 15:2

[6] Romans 14:19

[7] Proverbs 16:24

[8] Hebrews 10:24