Meekness – Matthew 15:5
Make the Lord your joy and satisfaction, and you will find happiness. For He who lifts up the meek, will hold a banquet in your honor as He anoints your head with oil,…
Fear – Isaiah 41:10
When fear and worry nip at your heart, shoo them away. Rest in the palm of the Lord’s hand, and listen as He tells you, “Do not fear them, for the Lord your…
Blessed Life – Deuteronomy 11:26-28
Consider the blessing or the curse. Seems an easy choice, yet the wide road leading away from the Lord and the blessed life He longs to give His people is jammed with those…
Perseverance – Isaiah 40:31
The distraught young woman wept in sorrow. She had been through hardship upon hardship, all the while struggling to remain steadfast in her faith, trusting in the Lord. She had persevered through trials…
Destructive Thoughts – Romans 8:6
Destructive thoughts steal our joy and disrupt our peace in the Lord. Banish them, for they bring us no good thing. Rather, they bind us in chains and relegate us to a freezing,…