True Beauty – Psalm 139:14
Many are deceived into denying their beauty as the cherished and beloved bride of Christ. Having succumbed to the deceiver's lies and society's marketing hype, they see themselves as ugly and flawed rather…
The Lighthouse – John 8:12
Though our Lord’s light shines through the blackest night to lead us away from danger into the safe harbor of His keeping, we find ourselves groping as if we were without direction, indulging…
Without Restraint – Judges 17:6
Situational ethics, relative morality, and tolerance are popular ways of saying, “I can justify my sins against a holy God for I know better than He what is appropriate given the circumstances.” Adherents…
Bad Advice – I Kings 12:8
You need not fall into the ruin that follows acceptance of bad advice, for our heavenly Father leads those who desire to walk in the truth in the way of Truth.[3] Therefore, rather…
Hope and Trust – Hebrews 11:1
When it seems that all reason for hope is gone, hope on in faith. With hope upon hope, believe.[1] When trust seems like lassoing the wind given your gloomy circumstances, persevere in trust,…