Evil Associates – Revelations 2:20
Will we, the body of Christ, arise out of our spiritual lethargy to stand for what is right and true? Will we return to our first love, remember from where we have fallen,…
The Lord’s Banquet Table – Proverbs 9:5
Wisdom calls out, inviting us to dine at the lavish table she sets before us. She offers to satisfy our gnawing hunger and heal our spiritual destitution by bringing understanding and knowledge. She…
Our Righteousness – Psalm 7:8
As we travel the path He has laid before us, the light of righteousness will shine brighter and brighter within us.
Wisdom Brings God’s Favor – Proverbs 8:35
Listen to wisdom’s call. Heed her instruction in righteousness, and you will find favor with the Lord. Embrace her, and you will receive the abundant blessings that flow from heaven’s throne to those…
Repentance – Haggai 1:14
As the Lord has given you ears to hear the truth and eyes to see His glory and majesty all around you, allow His Word to build you up and sanctify you...