Prudence – Proverbs 8:12
What friend could serve our Christian souls more profitably than prudence? What elder could advise us more excellently, and what teacher could instruct us more advantageously? This counselor sent from heaven imbues us…
Choosing Confidants and Counselors – Ephesians 5:8
Rely on those who seek, though imperfectly, just as we do so imperfectly, to imitate God, to extend mercy, to demonstrate humility, and to live righteously, those who guard their hearts against immorality,…
Cleaning Out – Ezekial 18:31a
We come to God with hearts cluttered by idols, and though the ensuing confusion and darkness oppress us, we hang onto to them, continuing to indulge our flesh and minds in worthless, destructive…
Sin’s Cost – Romans 6:23
Though sin offers a form of pleasure at its onset, its rewards come at a bitterly high and distinctly painful cost. How sad are those who look upon the devastation their blatant, chronic…
Destructive Thoughts – Romans 8:6
Destructive thoughts steal our joy and disrupt our peace in the Lord. Banish them, for they bring us no good thing. Rather, they bind us in chains and relegate us to a freezing,…