Vision – Habakkuk 2:3
Bill Bright, founder of the worldwide Campus Crusade for Christ ministry, waited decades for the Lord to fulfill the vision He had given him to create a powerful film about the life of…
Teachable Spirit – Proverbs 1:5
Teach us Your paths, O Lord, for we hunger to be rich in understanding. Lead us in Your truth, and instruct us in Your way. Open our hearts to receive Your commandments and…
Bad Decisions – Genesis 18:20
He thought he had selected his territory well, but his decision was flawed. In choosing the well-watered lands before him, he acted unilaterally, without seeking the advice of his uncle or asking the…
Lying – Ephesians 4:25
The Lord, who is truth incarnate, hates a lying tongue and false witness; such things are abominations to Him. Revelations warns that liars will find themselves unwelcome in the holy city, separated from…
Decision Making – Numbers 27:5
When the daughters of Zelophehad, who had died without having had a son, asked Moses to give them their father’s inheritance, Moses did not rush to rule on their petition. Although he might…