Downcast Spirit – Psalm 59:17
At the first hint of fear, unfulfilled desire, or tribulation, raise a battle cry against the forces aligned to rob your joy. March boldly into the fight with songs of praise and offerings…
New Years’ Resolution – Philippians 3:10
Along with the perennial New Year’s resolutions to “lose ten pounds” and “exercise more frequently,” set a loftier goal this year by climbing toward the mountaintop and gaining the honor of becoming more…
Nagging – Proverbs 27:15
Drip, drip, drip, the carping of a nag slowly, persistently, unrelentingly falls upon its victims. Resolute in gaining the desired result, oblivious to the folly and inefficacy of the pursuit, the nag badgers,…
Willing Servant – Acts 8:29
The fields are ripe for the harvest and the seekers are plentiful, but whom will the Lord send to come alongside them and help them understand the truth?
Life Verses – Psalm 119:11
Riches beyond measure, gladness beyond compare, and power beyond defeat are ours when we delight in the law of the Lord, for the Word of God is more desirable than the finest gold,…