Bringing Down the Strongholds – 2 Corinthians 10:4
Does a stronghold have a grip on your heart? Do not become dispirited; remember, God is not finished with you, and He will be faithful to complete the good work He has begun…
Purified as Gold – Malachi 3:3
Just as parents who love their children, discipline them, so our heavenly Father who loves us, His children, disciplines us. He sits over us as a refiner, purifying us, removing the dross that…
Flee From Evil – Amos 5:14a
Flee from evil, and pursue what is good, so, having once set yourself apart from association with the powers of darkness, you may grow in spiritual stature.
Discipline – Proverbs 19:18
“We love them too much to see them unhappy,” explain the parents who indulge their children, allowing unruly spirits to reign over them. Sadly, rather than benefiting the young recipients of this thinking,…
Cleaning Out – Ezekial 18:31a
We come to God with hearts cluttered by idols, and though the ensuing confusion and darkness oppress us, we hang onto to them, continuing to indulge our flesh and minds in worthless, destructive…