Sin’s Cost – Romans 6:23
Though sin offers a form of pleasure at its onset, its rewards come at a bitterly high and distinctly painful cost. How sad are those who look upon the devastation their blatant, chronic…
Blessed Life – Deuteronomy 11:26-28
Consider the blessing or the curse. Seems an easy choice, yet the wide road leading away from the Lord and the blessed life He longs to give His people is jammed with those…
Destructive Thoughts – Romans 8:6
Destructive thoughts steal our joy and disrupt our peace in the Lord. Banish them, for they bring us no good thing. Rather, they bind us in chains and relegate us to a freezing,…
Strength in the Lord – Judges 5:31
As those called to eternal glory in Christ, we are our heavenly Father’s workmanship, and His Spirit is confirming, fortifying, and establishing us, day by day, just has He has preordained. Therefore, we…
Light Verses Darkness – Ephesians 5:9
Should you grow fainthearted, should doubts assail you and your intellect challenge you, the light of Jesus Christ remains brilliant, perfect, and pure. Should you question your faith and wonder if the message…