Stepping out in Faith – Deuteronomy 31:3
Step out in faith, and God will lead you into places of beauty and glory. Look at Abraham. When God told him to leave his country, relatives, and father’s house to go to…
Road to Sanctification – 1 Peter 5:10
The road to sanctification stretches across the decades that lie behind me. As I look back over it, I know I have traveled a long distance upon it. Many miles were jagged, rock-strewn,…
Pure Heart – Matthew 5:8
What will He who searches hearts and minds find as He searches ours? Will the Lord find a passionate devotion for Him, which flows out of our purity, clear consciences, and sincere faith?…
Honesty – Micah 6:11
Few Christians would think of stealing money from someone’s purse or of shoplifting, but what about performing unneeded services; padding an invoice; cheating on income taxes; accepting or making payment off the books…
Sweet Friendship – Psalm 148:8
How desperately we need the Lord’s wisdom, grace, and mercy if we are to walk in a manner worthy of our God. How dependent we are on His Holy Spirit to guide us…