Bad Decisions – Genesis 18:20
He thought he had selected his territory well, but his decision was flawed. In choosing the well-watered lands before him, he acted unilaterally, without seeking the advice of his uncle or asking the…
Children – Proverbs 22:6
For those of us who are in Christ, our abundant joy is to know the Creator of the heavens, the earth, and all that lies beyond them and to love Him with all…
Treasure Chests – Luke 12:34
Look to your treasures, and you will find your heart. Take an honest, soul-searching look at what consumes your days, your energy, your thoughts, and your imaginings, and you will find your god.…
Bridling the Tongue – Luke 12:3
If you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face, don’t say it!” Good advice, wise and true, and we should take it, thereafter limiting our comments about people to those that we would say…