Leadership – Deuteronomy 31:3
What must Moses have felt when the Lord told him that he would not enter the Promised Land? After leading the rebellious Israelites out of Egypt and through the wilderness for forty years,…
Pride – I Peter 1:24-25a
At its best, pride can deliver no more than short-lived pleasure since our successes fly away with the setting sun, even for the most gifted and accomplished. They last no longer than the…
Freedom from Sin – John 8:36
Having stepped out of the marshes where sin had entrapped you onto firm ground, and having breathed the open, pure air in the place where Jesus resides, stand firm in freedom; walk in…
Seeking Righteousness – Romans 5:21
Darkness whispers that the sacrifice of pleasure and profit required to pursue righteousness is severe and intolerable, but the darkness is a liar and deceiver and the opposite is true. Surely, former lusts…