Faithfulness – Mark 14:37
Watch and pray, allowing the Holy Spirit to strengthen you and prepare you for the battle, and when Jesus invites you into the garden, go with Him. Kneel and pray. Though your eyes…
Living Epistles – 2 Corinthians 3:2
Our letters are not in ink, nor published in books or magazines. Rather the Spirit has etched their words in our hearts, which Christ transformed from cold, hard stone into living, vibrant flesh.…
Unwise Association – Acts 20:31
Each person’s life is like a novel, and others will read its chapters to learn about the author. The shallow reader will skim the pages of those with whom they associate, possibly misinterpreting…
Leadership – Deuteronomy 31:3
What must Moses have felt when the Lord told him that he would not enter the Promised Land? After leading the rebellious Israelites out of Egypt and through the wilderness for forty years,…
Pride – I Peter 1:24-25a
At its best, pride can deliver no more than short-lived pleasure since our successes fly away with the setting sun, even for the most gifted and accomplished. They last no longer than the…