Harmony with God – Romans 8:14
Visualize yourself gliding through your day so in tune to the leading of the Holy Spirit that you experience an undeniable anointing upon your activities, your prayers, your comings, and your goings. The…
Forbidden Treasures – Joshua 7:1
Would a search party find forbidden treasures buried among your possessions? Do you have things the Lord has banned hidden in your home or in your heart?
Our Provider – Matthew 6:11
In 21st century America, many cannot relate to a prayer for daily bread. For those of us with bulging waistlines, it would seem more appropriate that our prayers should be for better self-control…
Praise – Matthew 6:1
How can we stay on the God-glorifying side of the barely distinguishable boundary between showing off and reflecting the majesty of God through yielded hearts and willing hands? The border is blurred and…
Meddling – Proverbs 26:17
Do not be deceived into acting imprudently. Be wise, and shine as a light to those who do not see the Light. Lead a quiet, consecrated life, performing your work with dignity and…