Selflessness – I Corinthians 10:24
Sacrificial, selfless love can only flow from a heart tendered and purified by Love Himself, Jesus Christ...
Listening – James 1:19
Though the basic principles of being a good listener are easily discernible, many of us too often ignore them since our love of talking crushes our desire to serve the one speaking, but…
Heart Condition – Titus 3:2
Allow the Lord to transform you and give you a heart of purity, kindness, and love, so you will at last know how beautiful are they whose lives reflect the tender and gentle…
Holy Encouragers – Proverbs 25:11
Be attentive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and extend yourself in kindness. Become a holy encourager, always seeking occasions to lift another’s spirits by extending Jesus’ love. Reach into the deep…
Comfort Others – 2 Corinthians 7:6
Consider your privileged position as a member of God’s family, made rich in holy and honorable things, imbued with the talent to hug perfectly, skill to serve productively, and wisdom to minister tenderly. …