Pure Heart – Matthew 5:8
What will He who searches hearts and minds find as He searches ours? Will the Lord find a passionate devotion for Him, which flows out of our purity, clear consciences, and sincere faith?…
A Teachable Heart – Psalm 103:11
God loved us while we were yet unredeemed, and He loves us yet despite our sin. In His mercy, He does not ask for our perfection, only our willingness to draw close to…
Answered Prayer – Mark 11:24-25
Do you want to see the mountains of unbelief in your loved ones removed, so they might share Paradise with you? Do you want to see the insoluble problems in your relationships, job,…
God Allowed It – Revelation 19:6b
Once while I was lamenting to a friend over a financial loss I had incurred due to a bizarre technical glitch, she responded gently, “I can’t explain what happened, but this I know:…
All Things New – Revelation 21:5
In the beginning, He created the heavens and the earth. He created the light to replace the endless darkness, and He gathered the seas into their boundaries, causing the dry land to appear…