God’s Word – Proverbs 6:22
Blessed are they who delight in the living and enduring Word of God, for it nourishes their souls and encourages their hearts, providing that which is satisfying and everlasting.
Patient Endurance – 1 Peter 2:20
Live above tumult and dissension with an understanding that trusting all to Christ brings about a maturity and gentleness of spirit well worth owning.
Deliverance – Joshua 24:17
Are you struggling with foes within and with circumstances without? Cease striving and set your eyes on the standard-bearer. Follow the Lord. Listen to His voice directing you, and obey Him, and He…
Discipleship – 2 Timothy 2:4
Unreserved commitment and unencumbered service are required of those who desire to be Christ’s disciples. On guard, at full alert, these volunteer forces stand ready to ward off entanglements with corrupting and distracting…