Betrayal – Romans 2:3
Have you ever learned that someone upon whom you have poured out your love, time, and resources has betrayed your friendship by gossiping about you and judging you harshly? Have those from whom…
Tenderhearted – Ephesians 4:32
As God’s transforming grace envelopes me, He, the Master Potter, is reshaping my attitudes toward other people and remaking me into an increasingly useful vessel for His kingdom...
Mercy – Matthew 5:7
Having stepped into the cleansing waters of forgiveness, we emerged forever changed. According to His grace, God cast our sins into the ocean depths, and the indwelling Spirit of Love began healing, delivering,…
Taking Responsibility – Ecclesiastes 10:4
Most of us bristle under reproach, even when our missteps have provoked and inconvenienced another. Our wounded pride rises, readies us for battle, but if we will humble ourselves, obeying the leading of…
A Teachable Heart – Psalm 103:11
God loved us while we were yet unredeemed, and He loves us yet despite our sin. In His mercy, He does not ask for our perfection, only our willingness to draw close to…