Our Thoughts – Philippians 4:8
Imagine freedom from the anguish we endure over the mistreatment of our friends and foes. Such freedom, which would bring lightness to our spirits, is within our grasp if we will forgive the…
Peace With All People – Romans 12:18
Has another treated you unjustly? Has this person violated your rights and slandered your good name without cause? Someone probably has done these things to you just as they have done them to…
Pettiness – Colossians 3:13
Although the Word instructs us to "do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, …and to regard one another as more important than ourselves," trivial complaints within the body of Christ abound, reflecting demeanor…
Bless or Curse – Philippians 1:27a
Fly away with the Lord to a place above turmoil and strife, to a place where He resides. He will lead you to this haven if you will set yourself apart for Him,…
Deliverance – Mark 5:15
Everyone had given up on this violent, self-destructive man. The demonic legion that possessed him was so powerful that neither shackles nor chains could hold him. Cast off by society, he raged and…