Self Control – Galatians 5:22-23
In a classic cartoon, Cathy, the perpetual dieter, starts out saying she will not go to the grocery store. Through a series of frames, Cathy decides to take a drive but not go…
Evangelism – Acts 1:8
God does not call every Christian to preach before masses, but He does appoint each to perform a holy work for the cause of Christ. For a person’s eternal destiny does not require…
Freedom from Sin – John 8:36
Having stepped out of the marshes where sin had entrapped you onto firm ground, and having breathed the open, pure air in the place where Jesus resides, stand firm in freedom; walk in…
After God’s Own Heart – Acts 13:22
Whom among us does not desire the Father’s anointing with holy oil that we might take on His character and become a person after His own heart? Rejoice, as followers of Jesus and…