Constant Companion – John 20:22
When He, the Spirit of Truth, comes to dwell within us, He brings power, strength, and discernment. He guides us in the way of truth. He comes in the name of Jesus to…
High Places of Sin – Deuteronomy 12:3
Allow the Sunrise from on high to stream into your heart. Allow Jesus to shine in you, and as He washes away your sins and guides your feet in the way of peace,…
Abundant Life – John 10:10b
Out of the great love with which He loves us, our Father in heaven sent Jesus to give us life, abundant life, a life beyond what we could ask for in our most…
Victory over Sin – Ephesians 6:12
The battle lines are drawn and combat rages. The principalities and powers of darkness have aligned themselves, determined to champion their cause and capture our hearts, making us useless for the kingdom of…