Taking Responsibility – Ecclesiastes 10:4
Most of us bristle under reproach, even when our missteps have provoked and inconvenienced another. Our wounded pride rises, readies us for battle, but if we will humble ourselves, obeying the leading of…
Pettiness – Colossians 3:13
Although the Word instructs us to "do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, …and to regard one another as more important than ourselves," trivial complaints within the body of Christ abound, reflecting demeanor…
Insult for Insult – 1 Peter 2:23
What person likes being demeaned? None with a sound mind, I would guess. Therefore, our natural retort is often quick and sharp when we perceive others are mocking or abusing us. After all,…
Bless or Curse – Philippians 1:27a
Fly away with the Lord to a place above turmoil and strife, to a place where He resides. He will lead you to this haven if you will set yourself apart for Him,…
Living for Others – 2 Corinthians 5:14-15
Christ’s love compels those aspiring to be His disciples to live not merely for themselves, but to live for Him, and in living for Him, to live for others. As we experience the…