Extravagant Blessings – Luke 15:22-24
In His mercy, the Lord miraculously answers His people’s prayers, even the prayers of those who return to Him after a long period of rebellion and disobedience. As we observe His graciousness, we…
Issues of the Heart – Matthew 12:35
Christianity deals with the heart. In our heart’s vaults, we store that which we consider valuable, and from it, we withdraw riches from what we have deposited within its walls. Everything we do,…
Pettiness – Colossians 3:13
Although the Word instructs us to "do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, …and to regard one another as more important than ourselves," trivial complaints within the body of Christ abound, reflecting demeanor…
Godliness in Old Age – Proverbs 4:23
I pray for grace in old age, that I may be gentle and reverent in my behavior, able to teach what is good and to encourage younger women to live with honor before…
Growing in Love – Philippians 1:9
With the same inexorable force that causes a river in flood tide to overflow its banks, so should the love of God rush forth from our hearts, saturating our surroundings, affecting everything in…