Purity – Psalm 24:3-4
We will behold our Lord. We will stand in His holy place and see Him with our own eyes in the full radiance of His glory. Thus is the promise to us who, having…
Listen – James 1:19b
Turn from the distractions of life, and calm your mind. Quiet your heart, and listen, for Jesus desires to speak to you. In the exercise of His infinite love, limitless mercy, and amazing…
Mercy – Proverbs 24:17
By God’s grace, we will bring Him glory when the next firestorm ignites to entangle and cut down the mighty for violating God’s principles or human law. Therefore, pray that when light shines…
Remember Past Victories – Deuteronomy 5:15a
Before we stepped into the cleansing pool of grace, our fallen natures had enslaved us to the cruel monarch who rules over the powers of darkness. Having once been slaves without hope of…