Meekness – Matthew 5:5
Harmony – how sweet the sound, how desirable the thought, yet achieving it often challenges us to the roots of our souls.
Inner Beauty – 1 Peter 3:3-4
Let the purity of your love for Christ be the jewels around your neck, and let your exemplary life be your elegant, embroidered covering, so your inner beauty will shine through, and those…
Into the World – John 17:18
As the rising sun shines brighter and brighter through us, as the love of Jesus burns hotter and hotter within us, we become increasingly useful vessels in His service. As we seek pure…
Purity – Psalm 24:3-4
We will behold our Lord. We will stand in His holy place and see Him with our own eyes in the full radiance of His glory. Thus is the promise to us who, having…