New Behavior – 2 Corinthians 5:17
Consider your behavior, and strive for graciousness under pressure, but do not despair when you fail to respond as the gentle, patient, tenderhearted new creation you are in Jesus Christ. Rather, be assured…
Tenderhearted – Ephesians 4:32
As God’s transforming grace envelopes me, He, the Master Potter, is reshaping my attitudes toward other people and remaking me into an increasingly useful vessel for His kingdom...
Taking Responsibility – Ecclesiastes 10:4
Most of us bristle under reproach, even when our missteps have provoked and inconvenienced another. Our wounded pride rises, readies us for battle, but if we will humble ourselves, obeying the leading of…
Choose Love – John 13:34
For what do we war: pride, possessions, territory, power, affection, respect, or recognition? Phantoms all, for each will pass away, while love will endure forever. Therefore, if you are engaged in a war…
All Things New – Revelation 21:5
In the beginning, He created the heavens and the earth. He created the light to replace the endless darkness, and He gathered the seas into their boundaries, causing the dry land to appear…