New Years’ Resolution – Philippians 3:10
Along with the perennial New Year’s resolutions to “lose ten pounds” and “exercise more frequently,” set a loftier goal this year by climbing toward the mountaintop and gaining the honor of becoming more…
Hope and Trust – Hebrews 11:1
When it seems that all reason for hope is gone, hope on in faith. With hope upon hope, believe.[1] When trust seems like lassoing the wind given your gloomy circumstances, persevere in trust,…
Nagging – Proverbs 27:15
Drip, drip, drip, the carping of a nag slowly, persistently, unrelentingly falls upon its victims. Resolute in gaining the desired result, oblivious to the folly and inefficacy of the pursuit, the nag badgers,…
Willing Servant – Acts 8:29
The fields are ripe for the harvest and the seekers are plentiful, but whom will the Lord send to come alongside them and help them understand the truth?