Strength of Character – Psalm 15:1-2
Though we may long to stand on the holy hill before the living God, longing is not enough, for only through the transforming power of Christ in a heart yielded to His lordship,…
Ambition – Jeremiah 45:5
Our glorious ambition as those who love God and desire to please Him should be to know Him more personally, to serve Him more effectively, and to obey Him more devotedly. These pursuits…
Selflessness – I Corinthians 10:24
Sacrificial, selfless love can only flow from a heart tendered and purified by Love Himself, Jesus Christ...
Harmony with God – Romans 8:14
Visualize yourself gliding through your day so in tune to the leading of the Holy Spirit that you experience an undeniable anointing upon your activities, your prayers, your comings, and your goings. The…