Heart Condition – Titus 3:2
Allow the Lord to transform you and give you a heart of purity, kindness, and love, so you will at last know how beautiful are they whose lives reflect the tender and gentle…
Holy Encouragers – Proverbs 25:11
Be attentive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and extend yourself in kindness. Become a holy encourager, always seeking occasions to lift another’s spirits by extending Jesus’ love. Reach into the deep…
Retaliation – Matthew 5:39
Our Lord is looking for people like David, people whose response to mistreatment will reveal hearts determined to obey Him and to serve Him, people who will entrust another's unkindness, falsity, or betrayal…
Affirmation – 2 Corinthians 7:4a
Affirmation lifts the soul, encourages the heart, and soothes the mind. Therefore, breathe words of affirmation into your spouse, children, and friends. With love and grace, strive to give them a sense of…