Selflessness – I Corinthians 10:24
Sacrificial, selfless love can only flow from a heart tendered and purified by Love Himself, Jesus Christ...
Love our Enemies – Matthew 5:44
Although others sin against you, trampling on your heart and piercing your soul, obey God’s holy and perfect Word to love your enemies and to pray for them. Respect and honor them, for…
Listening – James 1:19
Though the basic principles of being a good listener are easily discernible, many of us too often ignore them since our love of talking crushes our desire to serve the one speaking, but…
Heart Condition – Titus 3:2
Allow the Lord to transform you and give you a heart of purity, kindness, and love, so you will at last know how beautiful are they whose lives reflect the tender and gentle…
Holy Encouragers – Proverbs 25:11
Be attentive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and extend yourself in kindness. Become a holy encourager, always seeking occasions to lift another’s spirits by extending Jesus’ love. Reach into the deep…