Affirmation – 2 Corinthians 7:4a
Affirmation lifts the soul, encourages the heart, and soothes the mind. Therefore, breathe words of affirmation into your spouse, children, and friends. With love and grace, strive to give them a sense of…
Incapacitating Fear – Matthew 14:30
Though the storm rages, the gale winds blow, and the waves swell, we need not allow fear to cripple us. Instead of sinking into the rising sea, we can continue along our way…
Hospitality – Hebrews 13:2
Fling open your doors and invite friends, neighbors, and strangers to enjoy eating and fellowshipping with you. Rejoice in the privilege of welcoming them in to dine, remembering that as you serve them,…
Self Control – 2 Peter 1:4
Christ, having died on the cross to redeem our sins, set us free. From the first instant of our salvation, we were under new leadership. Sin was no longer our slave master and…