
  • Obedience,  Truth

    Hypocrisy – Romans 2:21

    At the gates of heaven, no hypocrites need seek entry. The Lord considers those who make a mere pretense of being followers of Christ while practicing immorality, covetousness, or idolatry unfit to associate…

  • Obedience

    Honoring God – Haggai 1:5

    The prophet Haggai calls out to us, “Consider your ways!  Take a long, penetrating look at your life.  Are you sowing much but harvesting little? Are your finances in shambles?  Is your family…

  • Obedience,  Trust

    God’s Direction – Luke 22:36

    One Voice rings out above the wisdom of the wise. One Friend guides perfectly through valleys low and mountains steep, making no missteps, missing no cues. One Teacher speaks with absolute authority and…