Our Words – Ephesians 4:29
The rush of words off our tongues often overflows the riverbanks and gushes in a torrent into the abyss. How many words does the average person speak in a lifetime: ten million, one…
Downfall – 1 Kings 11:1
From world-renowned wisdom, unmatched wealth, and abiding love for God to abject spiritual and emotional poverty, such was the journey of King Solomon. Where did the young man who loved God and walked…
Forgiveness – Luke 23:34
If anyone had reason to withhold forgiveness, it was Jesus. Although unjustly accused, despitefully used, and brutally tortured, He endured untold agonies at the hands of dignitaries, soldiers, and common people who had…
Nagging – Proverbs 27:15
Drip, drip, drip, the carping of a nag slowly, persistently, unrelentingly falls upon its victims. Resolute in gaining the desired result, oblivious to the folly and inefficacy of the pursuit, the nag badgers,…