Wisdom Brings God’s Favor – Proverbs 8:35
Listen to wisdom’s call. Heed her instruction in righteousness, and you will find favor with the Lord. Embrace her, and you will receive the abundant blessings that flow from heaven’s throne to those…
Harmony with God – Romans 8:14
Visualize yourself gliding through your day so in tune to the leading of the Holy Spirit that you experience an undeniable anointing upon your activities, your prayers, your comings, and your goings. The…
Repentance – Haggai 1:14
As the Lord has given you ears to hear the truth and eyes to see His glory and majesty all around you, allow His Word to build you up and sanctify you...
Forbidden Treasures – Joshua 7:1
Would a search party find forbidden treasures buried among your possessions? Do you have things the Lord has banned hidden in your home or in your heart?