
  • Grace,  Mercy,  Trust

    Mercy – Proverbs 24:17

    By God’s grace, we will bring Him glory when the next firestorm ignites to entangle and cut down the mighty for violating God’s principles or human law. Therefore, pray that when light shines…

  • Faith,  Love,  Trust

    Loving Jesus – John 12:3

    Does the sweet perfume of your devotion to Him permeate your surroundings with a fragrance that refreshes those near you, drawing them to Jesus, as you tell others His life-giving Good News?  Does…

  • Hope,  Trust

    Seek God – Amos 5:6a

    Seek the Lord while He may be found; listen to His call that you may live, and in seeking and listening, be assured by the promises in His Word that you will find…