Goods and Pleasure – Ecclesiasties 2:10
God looked over all that He had created, the mountains and the plains, the plants and trees that covered them, the animals that roamed them, the seas and the fish that inhabited them,…
Fear – Isaiah 41:10
When fear and worry nip at your heart, shoo them away. Rest in the palm of the Lord’s hand, and listen as He tells you, “Do not fear them, for the Lord your…
Trust in God – Jeremiah 17:7
Live as if you were a tree planted by the sea with roots so deep you need fear no gale winds or rising waters. Trust in the Lord, call upon Him, and He will…
Mercy – Proverbs 24:17
By God’s grace, we will bring Him glory when the next firestorm ignites to entangle and cut down the mighty for violating God’s principles or human law. Therefore, pray that when light shines…