Purified as Gold – Malachi 3:3
Just as parents who love their children, discipline them, so our heavenly Father who loves us, His children, disciplines us. He sits over us as a refiner, purifying us, removing the dross that…
Letting Go – Ecclesiastes 3:1
On a visit to my parents, I learned that my dad had received a death sentence that day. The results of a bone marrow biopsy showed that he had acute leukemia, and he…
A Heart Set on Obedience – Hebrews 10:12
The Lord is ever attentive to His people, and He hears us as we reach out to Him with spirits resolute on pleasing Him through our obedience and devotion. He delights in us…
Speaking the Truth – Ephesians 4:15
We want no part of unpleasantness. Kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience are taking their rightful places in our hearts, for Christ is transforming us, and He is implanting in us the desire, above…