Perfect Peace – Isaiah 26:3
We kneel before Him, bringing Him the deepest concerns of our hearts. We proclaim His power and majesty, recognize His omnipotence, and understand that nothing is too difficult for Him. We believe in…
Overbooked – Psalm 127:2
Is your mind exhausted and body worn out from your job, home responsibilities, social events, volunteerism, training seminars, and ministries? Are you double, even triple, booked some weekends leaving yourself drained and depleted…
Vision – Habakkuk 2:3
Bill Bright, founder of the worldwide Campus Crusade for Christ ministry, waited decades for the Lord to fulfill the vision He had given him to create a powerful film about the life of…
Loss of a Friend – Psalm 30:11
Some time ago, I lost my lifelong, beloved friend, Joan, to breast cancer. I loved her as a sister. My loss of her friendship was profound, for through every significant event in my…