Worry – Matthew 6:25
Stop worrying. Take God literally in His instruction in Matthew 6. Rather than worrying, take everything that causes you to fret, your troubled thoughts of what you should say or do, your fears…
True Beauty – Psalm 139:14
Many are deceived into denying their beauty as the cherished and beloved bride of Christ. Having succumbed to the deceiver's lies and society's marketing hype, they see themselves as ugly and flawed rather…
Our Sovereign King – I Timothy 6:15b
Our hearts have room for only one King, one Lord, and each day we decide who will sit on the throne as we ask ourselves, “Who will reign today? Will I reign, or…
The Lighthouse – John 8:12
Though our Lord’s light shines through the blackest night to lead us away from danger into the safe harbor of His keeping, we find ourselves groping as if we were without direction, indulging…