High Places of Sin – Deuteronomy 12:3
Allow the Sunrise from on high to stream into your heart. Allow Jesus to shine in you, and as He washes away your sins and guides your feet in the way of peace,…
Hypocrisy – Romans 2:21
At the gates of heaven, no hypocrites need seek entry. The Lord considers those who make a mere pretense of being followers of Christ while practicing immorality, covetousness, or idolatry unfit to associate…
Enriched in Christ – I Corinthians 1:4-5
When we disparage ourselves, we disparage God. When we listen to the enemy's whispers that we are worthless, we accuse God of creating worthless things. As those lovingly formed in our mother’s womb…
Deliverance from Evil – Matthew 6:13a
As citizens of heaven, we cannot commingle the purity of Christ with the evil of the unregenerate world. Rather we must choose between the two, and having chosen to follow Christ, we must…