Bad Advice – I Kings 12:8
You need not fall into the ruin that follows acceptance of bad advice, for our heavenly Father leads those who desire to walk in the truth in the way of Truth.[3] Therefore, rather…
Leadership – Deuteronomy 31:3
What must Moses have felt when the Lord told him that he would not enter the Promised Land? After leading the rebellious Israelites out of Egypt and through the wilderness for forty years,…
Strength of Character – Psalm 15:1-2
Though we may long to stand on the holy hill before the living God, longing is not enough, for only through the transforming power of Christ in a heart yielded to His lordship,…
The Lord’s Banquet Table – Proverbs 9:5
Wisdom calls out, inviting us to dine at the lavish table she sets before us. She offers to satisfy our gnawing hunger and heal our spiritual destitution by bringing understanding and knowledge. She…
Wisdom Brings God’s Favor – Proverbs 8:35
Listen to wisdom’s call. Heed her instruction in righteousness, and you will find favor with the Lord. Embrace her, and you will receive the abundant blessings that flow from heaven’s throne to those…