Forgiveness,  Grace,  Love

Choose Love – John 13:34

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.

We have all known people who are in an all-out war with each other.  The war may be between spouses, siblings, business associates, or neighbors, but it is war indeed.  The combatants’ anger toward each other fumes just below the surface, so at the slightest provocation, they jump fully armed with flaming hostility into battle.  Envision the devil and his minions jumping up and down in glee, clapping their hands, as the war rages and the warriors twist the knife of destruction further into their victims’ and their own hearts.  What a victory for darkness when we fail to love others as Christ has commanded us to do.

For what do we war: pride, possessions, territory, power, affection, respect, or recognition?  Phantoms all, for each will pass away, while love will endure forever.  Therefore, if you are engaged in a war or even fighting a small-scale scrimmage such as bickering, acting disrespectfully, giving someone the cold shoulder, or responding to another with unkindness, lay down your weapons, remove your combat gear, and clothe yourself in love.[1]  Consider your options and assess the choices before you:  anger or love, war or peace.  Recognize that your anger can never make things right according to God’s standards,[2] and that the refusal to love harms more than your adversary, for it harms you[3] along with others who find themselves within the battle zone. 

Shield yourself with the Lord’s loving-kindness,[4] turn to the Lord, and entrust Him with your conflict and disparity of love.[5]  Relinquish responsibility for your opponent in arms, asking the Lord to heal the breech according to His mercy and justice, which ascends to the heavens.  Watch in awe as He exercises wisdom that exceeds the collective insight of the ages, for He will change your heart and give you peace even should the one with whom you have been warring never change. 

Rather than anger and enmity, choose love.  Choose to emulate the graciousness of our Lord by being merciful, kind, and slow to anger.[6]  Choose the way that brings healing, reconciliation, joy, and peace.  Choose love.[7]

Lay down your arms; declare a truce
Embrace the peace God will produce
In and through your yielded heart
Where rage no longer plays a part

Lift up the banner hope declares
Let healing flow as God repairs
The damage done when hatred reigned
For righteousness will be ordained

As Jesus leads you to the stream
His holiness will wash you clean
And you will put on nothing less
Than kindness, faith, and gentleness

[1] Colossians 3:14

[2] James 1:20

[3] Proverbs 11:17

[4] Psalm 32:10

[5] Hosea 12:6

[6] Jonah 4:2

[7] 1 John 3:14