Comeback Kid – Genesis 41:41
Pharaoh said to Joseph, “See, I have set you over all the land of Egypt.”
If you walk in integrity and set your heart on truth, you may find yourself down, but you will never be out. For you can depend on our trustworthy God to carry you through perilous times, bringing a blue horizon after a pounding storm, restoring prosperity to your soul after a crushing defeat.
Consider Joseph. If ever circumstances had knocked a person down, his certainly did.[1] Sold into slavery by his jealous brothers and reported as dead to his devoted father, this young man’s prospects looked glum indeed. However, slavery could not repress him, for the Lord was with him, and as he conducted himself with dignity and honor, the Lord rained blessings upon him, spilling them over to those whom he served. Yet, along his road to greatness, another attacked Joseph, falsely accusing him and having him thrown into prison. Though prison could not shut out the Lord’s loving-kindness toward him or keep him from prospering within its walls, he still endured deprivation of his freedom and impugning of his character. He found himself locked up but not abandoned, and in the Lord’s excellent timing, He gave Joseph the opportunity and ability to interpret Pharaoh’s dream, which led not only to Joseph’s release, but also to his appointment as second to Pharaoh over the affairs of Egypt.
Throughout his cruel and unjust treatment, Joseph never lost heart. He simply arose each morning and served his masters with honor and integrity as unto the Lord.[2] Rather than languishing in self-pity, he girded himself against sin and lived as one assured that though others plotted evil to destroy him, God would turn the malice and deception of those determined to bring him to ruin into instruments for his ultimate good and to accomplish God’s holy purpose.[3] He viewed his trials and others’ betrayals through eyes of forgiveness, choosing not to dwell on the offenses but on how his trials fit into the Lord’s magnificent plan of provision for his family and himself.[4]
If you are struggling, having been set back further than the
place you started, do not despair.
Rather, take heart. God has not
abandoned you. He will keep His promise
to provide a bountiful and safe place for you if you will abide in Him.[5] Consider Joseph, and live in honor and truth,
serving the Lord wherever you are, whatever your circumstances. Set your hope in God’s loving-kindness, and
He will uplift you, performing wonders before you that are too numerous to
[1] Genesis 37:19-33, 39:2-20, 41:15-45
[2] Colossians 3:23
[3] Genesis 50:20
[4] Genesis 45:5-8
[5] Psalm 105:8
[6] Psalm 40:5

Al Manning
Loved this devotional. Encouraging… Uplifting… spot on… Well done
Linda Cash
This is such a wonderful blessing. I am so thankful that u are sharing this gift God has given you. Is exactly what I needed this morning. May u be filled with His joy , love, and peace always. 💖Linda