Comfort Others – 2 Corinthians 7:6
But God, who comforts the depressed, comforted us by the coming of Titus.
As one whom the Holy Comforter comforts on every front, take joy in emulating your Teacher by comforting the wounded, afflicted, sorrowing, and lonely. Respond to them with the touch of God delivered by dedicated hands, those devoted to serving with love, ministering in hope, and giving through kindness. Consider your privileged position as a member of God’s family, made rich in holy and honorable things, imbued with the talent to hug perfectly, skill to serve productively, and wisdom to minister tenderly. Consider who you are in Christ, and upon determining your adequacy in Him, walk in the excellent way of love.[1] Use your Spirit-given gifts with liberality, tenderly caring for others and joyfully ministering within the body of Christ.[2]
Just as Titus went to Paul and stood beside him during a time of affliction, bringing needed comfort to his friend, so the Lord instructs us to go alongside others to bring them comfort. For as we strive to become worthy stewards of God’s grace, to honor the Father of mercy and compassion, and to emulate His son, Jesus Christ, our natural response to His love and tenderness is to go as missionaries of mercy to support and uphold others.[3]
Look around you. Is anyone afflicted or sorrowing? Respond in love, for just as our Lord loves us, so He calls us to love one another.[4] Extend yourself to those needing a hug, a gentle word, or a helping hand. Carry words of hope and promise. Take along the encouragement needed to look beyond the momentary afflictions of this life, and speak of the imperishable truth about living in eternity with the Lord.[5] Bless others out of the profusion of your blessings, and in tenderness and mercy, touch their lives, remembering that they, as with all whom God created in His image, are precious and worthy of love.
Cultivate your ministry of comfort. Go to those who are in need, going with a compassionate, tender heart, not out of a sense of sacrificial obligation. Go in grace, for just as the Lord of grace ministers to you in your need, He is sending you out to minister to those who are troubled around you,[6] that they, in seeing Him through you, might receive encouragement in Christ.[7]
[1] 1 Corinthians 12:31
[2] 1 Corinthians 12:7, 25
[3] 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
[4] John 13:34-35
[5] 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18
[6] Matthew 9:13
[7] Colossians 2:2