Abide,  Faith,  Trust

Communion with God – John 1:51

And He said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see the heavens opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.”

Christ flung open heaven’s gates, granting us the privilege of communion with Him, not merely for all eternity, but while we remain within these earth-bound bodies.  As a bridegroom to His beloved, He whispers to us, “Come away with Me.  Rest in Me, and be rejuvenated in the joy of fellowship with Me.”[1]  He offers us intimacy with Him, telling us to call upon Him, to trust that He will share with us great things, which we cannot know apart from Him.[2]

When we respond to Christ, accepting His offer to enter into His courts with singing and gladness in our hearts, walking with heads held high and spirits leaping for joy, we may do so expecting Him to reach out His arms to welcome us with enthusiasm,[3] as one welcomes a cherished friend.  We can speak directly to His Majesty, the King, confidently sharing our most intimate thoughts, desires, fears, and dreams with Him, for we have the absolute assurance that He will tenderly hear us and lovingly respond to us.  As members of the royal court, we need not tremble, thinking ourselves inadequate to stand in the presence of so great a Lord, nor need we beg for an intermediary, as did the Israelites out of fear that they were unworthy to hear the Lord speak to them.[4]

Jesus, the One in whom resides all the glory of heaven, is the awesome dwelling place where we can go to pray, trusting that our prayers will rise to the heavens.[5]  We can talk with our Lord, anytime, anywhere, asking anything in His precious and holy name, knowing that if we love Him and keep His commandments, He, being one with the Father, will intercede for us, hearing our prayers and answering them.[6]

Enter into communion with the Lord, neither neglecting this magnificent privilege nor forfeiting the amazing benefits it bestows on the lover of Christ.  Cherish the gift of fellowship with Jesus, and use it to its fullest advantage.  For He, who sits at the right hand of the Father,[7] is the open door to heaven to those who have entered into the sheepfold.[8]  Cultivate an intimate relationship with Him, and you will know the sweetness and fullness communion with Jesus brings.[9]

God sent a King, the King of kings
The Lord of lords, the Holy One
The Prince of Peace, Immanuel
Jesus Christ, His precious Son

In majesty and power, He reigns
His glory shines across the earth
Yet He thinks you’re beautiful
A pearl of unmatched worth

He whispers, “Come, abide in Me
And I will come abide in you
I will honor, love, and cherish you
Making all things new

“Over you I will rejoice
With gladness, joy, and singing
I’ll be the seal over your heart
The sounds of triumph ringing

“Come, abide in Me, My Love
And I will come abide in you
To honor, love, and cherish you
Making all things new”

[1] Mark 6:31 (paraphrased)

[2] Jeremiah 33:3

[3] Psalm 100:4-5

[4] Exodus 20:19

[5] Genesis 28:16-17

[6] John 14:13-15

[7] Matthew 26:64

[8] John 10:9

[9] Zephaniah 3:17