Condemnation – John 8:7
But when they persisted in asking Him, He straightened up, and said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.”
Momentous and blatant though a person’s failings may be, Jesus will not condemn the one who loves Him and demonstrates this love by walking in the truth.[1]
Therefore, we have neither reason nor right to condemn others or ourselves. To do so not only sinfully violates the Lord’s explicit instructions against condemnation,[2] but it is futile since God will hear no charge brought in His holy courts by man, woman, or demon against one of His chosen people, for Jesus Christ has justified them. Jesus intercedes for His beloved, striking down every petition raised against them.[3] He brings His friends into the Light, so we who are in Christ need not be ashamed. Rather, with the confidence of royalty, we can enter into our Father’s presence clothed in the flowing righteousness of Christ, going with assurance that our God will not judge us according to our deeds.[4] We will never know rejection, for when we put our faith in Jesus, He carried us out of death into life, out of judgment into acceptance.[5]
Surely, after having received the knowledge of the truth, we would leave ourselves open to terrifying consequences if we willfully remained in sin, hardening our hearts and trampling upon the Lord, insulting the Spirit of grace.[6] However, when we in our weakness fall, the Lord welcomes us back into the fold with open arms, for He did not come to serve perfect men and women, but to receive and forgive those who are broken.[7] As recipients of such mercy, we are to emulate our Lord by seeking restoration for others and for ourselves, never condemning, rather always desiring healing, believing that God never gives up on His children. We are to understand that the road to sanctification, though steep at times, never hits a dead end or turns back into darkness; rather it leads us higher, ever closer to Jesus.
Instead of casting or dodging stones, go to Jesus, who gently, with kindness and tenderness more powerful than all the words we could muster in condemnation or defense, accepts us. He says to us and to our brothers and sisters, “I do not condemn you; pick up the pieces of your life and go on. Turn away from your sin and walk with Me in the light, and I will be with you, loving you, upholding your cause, affirming you, every step along your way.”[8]
[1] Romans 8:1
[2] Luke 6:37
[3] Romans 8:33-34
[4] John 3:18, 21
[5] John 5:24
[6] Hebrews 10:26-29
[7] Mark 2:17
[8] John 8:11